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project database - Berlin | Mercedes Platz


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block-steps ● paving-stones ● slabs ● water-elements


Mercedes Platz, 10243 Berlin

belgrano® quartz monzodiorite – homogeneous and highly resilient

The foundation of this new home is made of natural stone, more precisely: belgrano® quartz monzodiorite. BESCO delivered the necessary material of 12,500 square meters in different tranches and as required – storage on site would not have been possible due to the parallel construction work. 10,000 square meters of the square are now presented as a plaster bandage in a Berlin pass. The fountain field with its illuminated nozzles is also made of the inexpensive yet high-quality natural stone. It was also used for steps and platforms as well as at the entrance and in the area around the square in front of the arena.

LED screens for New York flair

The redesign of Mercedes Platz as an entertainment district cost the Anschutz Entertainment Group 200 million euros. The total area of ​​the property is around 20,500 square meters, of which the public space is 6,500 square meters. A touch of New York and Tokyo give the Mercedes place five LED screens attached to the facades and eight integrated media towers, each with two screens. In addition to the existing entertainment offerings, outdoor events will in future also take place in parts of the spacious area. All of this makes Mercedes-Platz the new pulsating heartbeat of Friedrichshain.


Facelifting für Friedrichshain

reading time - 6 min | 03/23/2020

In seinem Stadtteil Friedrichshain rund um den Mercedes Platz plant Berlin ein neues Vergnügungsviertel. Für die Umgestaltung der Flächen wählten die Bauherren ein Pflaster aus belgrano-Naturstein des Berliner Steincontors BESCO. Auch ein Feld mit Wasserfontänen sowie Stufenanlagen und Podeste bestehen aus dem edlen und vielfältig einsetzbaren Naturstein. Insgesamt verleiht dieser einer Fläche von rund 12.500 Quadratmetern ein zeitgemäßes und stilgerechtes Facelifting.

Design elements ● Pedestrian zones & city squares

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