Our long-time and trusted partner – Baustoffprüfstelle Wismar GmbH
The Baustoffprüfstelle Wismar GmbH was founded in 1990 as a spin-off of the testing laboratory for construction and heavy clay ceramics, which was established in the middle of the last century. In addition to the testing of ceramic building materials, the company’s range of services now includes the certification of numerous other materials. Asphalt, concrete, natural stone and sand-lime bricks, among others, are also closely examined here.
In order to guarantee the quality and the required properties of belgrano® natural stone, BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH regularly consults the accredited neutral testing laboratory. The laboratory is always available to provide us with advice, expertise and knowledge of the current testing standards. Thus, we are always up to date with the current standardization and are eager to see what consequences will result for us from the new EU-wide standard on slip-resistant properties.
EU-wide standardization replaces national standards – slip-resistant properties according to DIN EN 16165
With the publication of DIN EN 16165 in December 2021, the German test standards DIN 51097, DIN 51130 and DIN 51131 have been withdrawn. In the individual European member states, there were previously a large number of different standards and regulations for determining slip-resistant properties. Often, the measurement principles differed only slightly, but had to be considered individually during testing and evaluation.
As a result, many questions now arise for all those involved regarding the performance of the tests, the results, applicable requirements and the validity of previous results reports. We would be happy to shed some light on these questions and share answers with you shortly.
We would be happy to inform you about the latest
topics and innovations relating to natural stone.
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Der für die Fundamente und Rückenstützen bestimmte Beton von befahrbaren Flächen soll der Betongüte C 20/25 entsprechen, bei begehbaren Flächen genügt C 16/20. Die Rückenstütze soll geschalt hergestellt werden. Es werden Angaben zur Höhe und Ausführungsart der Rückenstütze gemacht. Mindestdruckfestigkeitsvorgaben wie in der alten Version der ATV DIN 18318 wurden abgeschafft.