Neighborhood assistance – a donation for children at Christmas time
Rising energy and food prices are just part of the hurdles many people are facing today. A time has dawned in which solidarity and togetherness are important. So this year at Christmas time, the company BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH had set its mind on supporting a good cause and donating the sum of 1,234.56 euros with a positive thought and “an upward tendency”, meaning for the better.
Share the success and do some good
The internationally operating natural stone trader BESCO, headquartered in Berlin-Buch, is already sustainably positioned: With its belgrano® brand, it pursues the goal of making the entire value chain ecological and future-oriented every day. While saving valuable resources, a piece of nature is brought back into the urban everyday life of humans with the natural stone supplied by BESCO. The CO2 emissions occurring during logistical processes are compensated on a voluntary basis by BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH in cooperation with the non-profit climate protection organization myClimate. The partnership with the company WiN=WiN FairStone guarantees compliance with human rights and provides BESCO’s natural stone imports with the seal for international social and environmental standards.
“Even if the first steps towards a sustainable future have been taken,” as CEO Frank Dickmann finds, “this is by no means the end of the line. This year’s Christmas donation campaign is another step towards preserving a world worth living in for future generations.”
Finding a suitable recipient for the planned donation was not difficult: after all, Kindeswohl-Berlin gGmbH can be found just two doors down. With a differentiated range of services, the non-profit institution offers in- and outpatient help for children and young people in the northeast of Berlin and the state of Brandenburg. “Sometimes it’s enough to walk through the world with open eyes and show an interest in the community. Kindeswohl-Berlin deals with great issues and supports children to go their own way independent of social circumstances – a worthwhile goal,” says Dickmann.
The future demands a shift in thinking – sustainability and solidarity are key considerations
True to its motto of “being strong for the weakest”, Kindeswohl-Berlin gGmbH operates and pursues a variety of projects designed to enable children of all ages to gain a solid foothold in life. Not everyone is given the preconditions to grow up carefree and create the basis for a life on their own. Currently, more than 260 children and young people between the ages of 0 and 21, as well as young families, live with the independent youth welfare organization. Here, places are created for development, evolvement and opportunities for social integration.
With over 200 employees, Kindeswohl-Berlin is committed to helping children who do not face an easy life, who lack the social and financial means to support themselves and who, for certain reasons, can no longer live with their family of origin. In January 2023, another project will be launched – the Baby Bassinet – which provides babies with living space as well as the necessary around-the-clock care – because babies are simply not capable of surviving on their own. Exactly the right purpose for the donation from the Berlin Steincontor.
“On the one hand, we safeguard the child’s well-being and help overcome crises and high emotional stress. On the other hand, we respond to the parents and families and try to show perspectives through topic-centered conversation and help offers,” explains Susanne Ferjani, shareholder and managing director of Kindeswohl-Berlin gGmbH. “Without the support of partnerships, grants, sponsors and friends, a wide variety of projects, activities and events would not have been possible in recent years. For this reason, we are always very grateful when others recognize and support our efforts.”
The special moment – handing over the symbolic check
On Tuesday, November 22, 2022, the symbolic check was ceremoniously handed over by Mr. Carl Duhn, the commercial director and the next generation of management at BESCO. “We have been neighbors at Ludwigparkhaus in Zepernicker Straße for so many years. However, there had not been more than a nice morning greeting before. It’s all the nicer to get to know each other better on this occasion and to find out what sustainability ideas other companies in the area are pursuing.” Touched and delighted, Susanne Ferjani accepts the donation. The exact purchase of the donated amount for the “baby bassinet” has not yet been determined. In any case, BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH and Kindeswohl-Berlin gGmbH want to remain in exchange and not let the born interest for each other’s work fall asleep. Cheers to a good neighborhood in Berlin-Buch!
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