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BESCO: Berliner Steincontor celebrates 15 years of existence

reading time - 5 min

15 years ago, Ulrich Klösser, Frank Dickmann and Florian Geyer, who later became authorized signatory and sales manager, set out to make the rich natural stone range in Asia and later also in Europe available for German and European construction projects. The founding of BESCO – Berliner Steincontor GmbH in March 2003 also marked the birth of the branded product belgrano®…


BESCO: Berliner Steincontor celebrates 15 years of existence

always looking for the optimal solution for 15 years

Fussgängerzone Böblingen Neue Meile - mit mehrfarbigen belgrano® Naturstein Pflasterplatten und einem Wasserspiel aus Granit und Diorit


15 years ago, Ulrich Klösser, Frank Dickmann and Florian Geyer, who later became authorized signatory and sales manager, set out to make the rich natural stone range in Asia and later also in Europe available for German and European construction projects. The founding of BESCO – Berliner Steincontor GmbH in March 2003 also marked the birth of the branded product belgrano®. Until then, Asian natural stones in particular had a questionable reputation in terms of quality, reliability of deliveries and – particularly important – the working conditions.

By mastering these challenges, the BESCO team quickly won the trust of public and private builders and their architects with its branded product “belgrano® natural stone”. belgrano® is today a synonym for reliable deliveries “just in time”, fair production conditions that Compliance with the required rock and processing qualities and committed and excellent advice.

Sales manager Florian Geyer comments: “This is the only way we can convince and continuously advise and supply impressive natural stone projects in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Scotland and the Middle East. This includes pedestrian zones, city and market squares, inner cities, train stations, garden shows, facades, interior floors and much more ”. The desire for regional products is growing again and again among building owners and architects. However, it is often difficult to implement, especially domestic hard rock only covers a very small part of the requested color and technical spectrum and is often not available in sufficient quantities for large projects within the specified construction times. BESCO managing director Frank Dickmann does not accept “moral” arguments: “As one of the world’s largest exporters, Germany, when it comes to natural stone selection, also accesses the global range is simply logical.”

It is important to BESCO that the transport is organized as environmentally friendly as possible and that the production of belgrano® natural stones is fair and transparent. For this reason too, the company employs its own personnel for control purposes in Asia and has also had WIN WIN Fairstone monitor these productions for 10 years. However, BESCO would like public authorities to be much more involved in this area. Managing Director Frank Dickmann: “We need a binding European seal of approval for natural stone imports into the EU, which ensures that quality conditions and work guidelines are met across the board. Only in this way can there be fair competition for natural stone deliveries for public building projects and only in this way can initiatives such as WIN WIN and other sufficient funds be generated for their so important work on site!”


Fussgängerzone Böblingen Neue Meile - mehrfarbige belgrano® Naturstein Pflasterplatten aus Granit und Diorit


In den letzten 15 Jahren hat BESCO unzählige Großprojekte mit Naturstein beliefert; Highlights gibt es viele, wie z. B.

    • Fußgängerzonen und Innenstädte mit über 15.000 qm in Wolfsburg, Mannheim, Albstadt, Böblingen…
    • bekannte Projekte wie der Marienplatz, das neue ADAC Gebäude oder die Airport Plaza im Flughafen Hamburg
    • außergewöhnliche Natursteinverkleidungen wie die beim „Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz“ in 3-D Optik oder die stilvolle Sandsteinfassade der Fellini Residenzen in Berlin
    • und natürlich die belgrano® Projekte im Mittleren Osten, Luxemburg und Österreich

Gerade erst sind die Großprojekte Campus Nord UNI Kassel mit über 18.000 qm, die Außenanlagen vom Schwabinger Tor in München mit über 18.000 qm und die Unternehmenszentrale von Deutschlands ältestem Unternehmen, der Merck AG in Darmstadt mit über 10.000 qm Naturstein-Außenanlagen fertiggestellt worden. Das BESCO Team zählt inklusive der Geschäftsleitung und den Auszubildenden, 17 Mitarbeiter plus vier festangestellte Inspektoren in Asien.

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BESCO at the Bernau Education and Study Fair 2024

reading time – 3 min

In September, two trainees and a dual-study student, together with their trainer, represented BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH at the Bernau Education and Study Fair held at the Paulus-Praetorius-Gymnasium near Berlin.

BESCO trainee Matti completes internship in Malta

reading time – 3 min

Matti Mieklei is in his second year of training at BESCO, where he is being educated as a wholesale and foreign trade management specialist. As part of his training, he completed a four-week international internship on the Mediterranean island of Malta. In the interview, he talks about his time there and the valuable experiences he gained.

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften: belgrano® natural stone as a pioneering building material for the garden of the future

reading time – 5 min

The Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 in Berlin once again offered an opportunity to experience the diversity and depth of science up close. Around 60 scientific institutions opened their doors to visitors of all ages, including universities, colleges, museums and research institutes. BESCO provided belgrano® natural stone slabs to the students of the landscape architecture course at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik for the construction of a show garden.

BESCO at the Xiamen Stone Fair in China

reading time – 5 min

Four BESCO employees from Berlin went on a joint trip to China in March. In Xiamen, a city on the south-eastern coast of China, they were welcomed by four Chinese colleagues who work as inspectors for BESCO. The highlight of the trip was their visit at Xiamen Stone Fair. At the natural stone fair, the BESCO team was able to maintain existing business relationships, develop new international contacts and explore business opportunities. Away from the fair, the team visited various production partners and gained an insight into the country's culture.

BESCO trainees on an excursion to long-established German company TRACO

reading time – 5 min

They were given an insight into production and were able to see the complete product cycle, from the stone in the quarry to the finished product. The excursion enabled the four trainees, who are completing their training in wholesale and foreign trade at BESCO, to gain an even deeper understanding of the natural stone industry.

From trainee to the top: Florian Geyer becomes Managing Director

reading time – 5 min

BESCO has completed a generational change: Florian Geyer becomes Managing Director and joins company founders Frank Dickmann and Ulrich Klösser to form the new management team. This marks the start of the rejuvenation of the management team in order to secure the management of the company for the coming decades.

The Bernau Training and Study Exchange - a brief review

reading time – 2 min

Sustainable belgrano® natural stone for all of us

reading time – 3 min

For 20 years BESCO Berliner Steincontor GmbH lives the idea to add a piece of nature to the urban everyday life of the people.

Seek and you shall find - even right next door: a donation for a great purpose

reading time – 3 min

BESCO projects on site - We take a look ourselves

reading time – 4 min